Proposal info


Why Astro Shiba (XSHIB)?

Yes!, let's kill those damn zeros!
4,427.95 LSP | 0.2%
Revoke Proposal
2,748,399 LSP | 99.8%


Hey everyone!

Remember that little hint we dropped on Medium a few days ago?

Now, why should XSHIB make the cut?

It's not your average token, folks. Nope, it's a meme token crafted to add some flavor to the journey for all the holders and traders cruising through the Stellar network. Think of us as the fun-loving meme crew, here to spice up the XLM community scene! Astro Shiba started as a playful comment during one of Nuna Project art expos, and now? Well, now it's evolved into this liquidity meme token, waving the flag for Stellar.

And why does XSHIB matter for Stellar, you ask?

It's all about culture, my friends! Culture gives us our groove, our vibe, our identity. And guess what? Astro Shiba brings that zesty culture to Stellar. Because let's be real, no successful network is complete without a killer meme.

So, what's the deal with Astro Shiba?

We're not just here to look cute; we're here to show some love to our liquidity providers! Check out the active pairs and rewards right here.

We've got over $10,000 in liquidity across all our pairs. Translation? It's like finding a cozy spot amidst playful puppies - trading and HODLing here is safe and sound!

To sum it up, we're pumped to be part of this journey, sprinkling a little stardust on Stellar's growth. Astro Shiba's coming in hot, ready to slay those zeros! 🚀

X: @astroshibainu

5 days
Start time
May-19-2024 12:00 AM +UTC
End time
May-24-2024 12:00 AM +UTC
Total voter
Total votes
2,752,827 LSP
